Young, in love and sharing everything, including a password

Fala ai, sua namorada tem sua senha do celular, facebook, instagram?? cadastrou a digital dela, ou a face para desbloquear seus aparelhos?? ou fica em pânico quando tem que emprestar o celular?? Bom essa história de compartilhar senhas, é o assunto deste update 100% in english, se quiser saber mais, clica ai no link e bons estudos.

Salve, Salve, VPFIers, Vamos de update 100% in english?

Antes de iniciarmos vou te fazer uma pergunta, Você compartilha suas senhas com namorada(o), Esposa(o), Amigos(as) ??? Bom sei lá o que você respondeu mas no texto a seguir, vamos descobrir se os americanos gostam ou não de fazer isso, preparados, get your stuffs, be ready and let’s go.

Young couples have long signaled their devotion to each other by various means – the gift of a letterman jacket, or an exchange of class rings or ID bracelets. Best friends share locker combinations.

The digital era has given rise to a more intimate custom. It has become fashionable for young people to express their affection for each other by sharing their passwords to e-mail, Facebook and other accounts. Boyfriends and girlfriends sometimes even create identical passwords, and let each other read their private e-mails and texts.

“It’s a sign of trust,” Tiffany Carandang, a high school senior in San Francisco, said of the decision she and her boyfriend made several months ago to share passwords for e-mail and Facebook. “I have nothing to hide from him, and he has nothing to hide from me.”

“That is so cute,” said Cherry Ng, 16, listening in to her friend’s comments to a reporter outside school. “They really trust each other.”

Students say there are reasons, beyond a show of trust, to swap online keys. For instance, several college students said they regularly shared Facebook passwords – not to snoop on or monitor each other, but to force themselves to study for finals. A student would give her password to a friend to change it – and not disclose the new password – temporarily locking out the Facebook account holder and taking away a big distraction to studying.

Signaled Sinalizado

Letterman jacketblusão esportivo (de colégio ou faculdade)

Exchange Troca / Intercâmbio

Locker Armário

Fashionable Popular

High school sêniorVeterâno

Beyond a show of trust Demonstração de confiança

To swapTroca

For instancePor exemplo

To snoop onBisbilhotar


Locking outBloqueando



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